Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sooo... it has been awhile.

 So I've noticed that it's pretty difficult to keep up a blog with two kids!  I've stopped typing up what I eat each day because I get so far behind and then I feel too lazy and too time crunched to type up a weeks worth of food I ate.  I'm still eating pretty healthy.  I've snuck in a few little treats here and there, however I'm still below 1800 calories a day so I'm pretty happy with that!  I've been working out every other day, however I'd like to get in the daily routine of it.  Today I completed day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.. I feel amazing!  I used to be so intimidated by cardio work outs due to my asthma, however I feel myself getting through them pretty well now!  In fact, I'm starting to LOVE cardio!! Something I've hated for a long time.  In the past I would do 20 minutes of cardio followed by 4 hours of coughing due to my asthma. However I feel like it's not as bad as it used to be!  Maybe I'm growing out of it?  My lungs do feel a little irritated after work outs every now and then, but it's not consistent like it used to be.  It all really depends on the amount of sleep I've had and how much energy I have.  On nights that I haven't slept well, they seem to get irritated after working out.
 So anyway,
   I'm still doing Zumba Fit on my Wii and loving it! The other day I was a bit discourage though.  I stepped on the scale to only see that I'm back to my starting weight. :(  Very discouraging.  However, I can tell that my thighs, waist, arms, butt, and face are getting smaller.  My clothes fit better and (Warning TMI alert!!)  my butt fat and lower back fat don't melt into one another anymore! I actually have a curve in the small of my back now!  I'm actually getting a butt!!!  NO MORE MOM BUTT!! Yay!!  My energy is still high, my spirits are up, and I feel great.  I'm just staying away from the scale for a bit.  I do build muscle mass rather quickly and easily (must be the Norwegian in me) so that could easily be why I'm up a few pounds since I last weighed in.  I do have muscle definition in my thighs again, so that's a plus!
 My TJM and back pain have subsided a ton!  Also my IT bands in my legs are now longer inflamed! The other day my cat walked on them and it didn't kill anymore! :)  I am so excited about that!  Imagine how it would feel if you fell on your keys when they were in your pocket.. that's how it felt every time I even bumped the side of my leg on something.  My lower back feels great and I sleep a lot better now.  So I know there has been some big changes!  Just not on the scale. However, that will come with time.  What matters is that I'm losing inches and feeling great!
 So that's my update.  I apologize for any run on sentences, infractions, or any other grammatical errors. :)

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