Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It has only been 4 whole days and I already feel the difference!

  Yesterday and today have been awesome!  I feel more energetic, I feel happier, and I can totally tell that the Holy Spirit has been really helping me through this!  It has been amazing!  It feel so good to be eating healthier. I don't feel sluggish nor do I have the constant guilt that crappy food leaves behind after it's ingested! :)  I'm not really cutting anything completely out of my diet.  I fully believe that everything is ok in moderation and judging my the way my underwear has been fitting lately, I can tell it's working for me! :)  (Too much info?)
  Yesterday's menu
While getting Nathan's lunch together, I ate 3 grapes, 3 craisins, and 10 gold fish crackers.
Later on for breakfast I had 35 grams (1pkg) of Better Oats Oat Revolution oatmeal mixed with 1 package (28g) of plain Quaker oatmeal.  The Better Oats is way too sweet alone.
 12 oz water.
10oz of coffee with 2 Tbsp of cream at Mom's group.
Snack: 3 oz light yogurt and 12 grapes with 2 oz of water
Lunch: 2 cups raw baby spinach, topped with 1/4 cup craisins, 1/4 cup sliced almonds, 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese.. finished off with 11/2 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinaigrette.  I had 3/4 cup cottage cheese and 2 baby dill pickles on the side. A small apple and had another 24 oz of water.  Then I had about 1/3 of a candy cane.
Snack: 24 oz of water, and Nutri Grain bar and 1/4 cup goldfish crackers.
Dinner: 1 cup or maybe a 1 1/2 cups of fresh cut green beans.. no salt or butter added.. 1 1/2 cups spinach with 1/8 c slivered almonds and 1 Tbsp of vinaigrette. And about 1/2 a serving of Stouffers lasagna and 12 more ounces of water.

For exercise I went on a 2 mile walk with Dan and Jovie.  Did 30 crunches on the medicine ball (abs were way too sore from Sunday to do any more)  and 70 squats as wells as shadowboxing.

Today I also went on a 2.5 mile walk and hope to do some Zumba once Dan hits the sack for the night.
As far as what I ate today...
Breakfast.. same as yesterday minus the snacks beforehand.
10 oz of coffee with 2 tbsp of cream and 24 oz of water.

Snack: Med apple and 12 oz of water.

Lunch 3.5 Cups of baby spinach, 1/4c Craisins, 1/4c sliced almonds, 1/4c shredded mozzarella cheese 3.5 total Tbsp of balsamic vinaigrette.. (I had two salads today and two different times)  and 1 half of a small grilled chicken breast.  I should have had Dan grill 2 chicken breast so we could both have a small one,  but instead I had 1/3 a serving of last nights left overs of stouffers lasagna along with my salads.
Also 6 oz of delicious coffee topped with 1 Tbsp cream.  24 ounces of water and 10 gold fish crackers.  This meal is a combined meal.. I had one salad and the gold fish before my walk, and the second salad with the chicken after my walk.

12 more ounces of water with lunch and another after my walk.

Dinner:  Tatter tot hot dish made with ground turkey instead of ground beef, mixed veggies, cream of mushroom soup, tatter tots and cheese.. about 1 serving of that with 24 ounces of water.

And that's that folks.  I feel a little icky after dinner.  It tasted amazing!! However it was high in sodium.  I feel great and happy with my progress so far.  One day at a time!!


  1. I found out something awesome today!! Well, not that awesome but pretty awesome. Here I thought I was putting 2 tablespoons of vinaigrette on my salads, but it has only been 2 teaspoons! I thought our big spoons were tablespoons, but when I checked this morning, they're only teaspoons! Awesome! That's less than 70 cal's for dressing!
    Also, I worked out for another 30 minutes on monday night.. arms, lower abs, and legs. :)
