Thursday, January 12, 2012

Feeling better every day!

 Yesterday was an amazing day for me! My calorie intake was healthy, and I burned almost 400 of them away by working out.  I felt so happy and energetic, rather than tired, crabby, and bogged down. I had some awesome prayer time in the morning before Jovie woke up, had some wonderful company over for a couple of hours.  Had a healthy lunch, had a blast doing Zumba fit on my Wii for 30 minutes while Dan napped, had some delicious Cold Fusion, and got to join God in doing some of His amazing work in this fallen world.  It was all out a wonderful day.  I can't remember the last time I felt so happy and full of life!  I also watched some videos on crocheting and starting practicing.  I'm not going to wait for things to fall into my lab anymore, if I want to be healthy, I'm going to make the changes to do so, if I want to crochet, I'm going to learn, if I want to be a better mom and wife, I'm going to love more, be less selfish, and open to change.  Period.  I feel so motivated and I feel the help, love, and encouragement from my loving heavenly father ever step of the way.  It's awesome!
 So here's my menu from yesterday:

3/4 C caramel cheerios with roughly 1/3 cup whole milk (we ran out of 1%)
8-10oz coffee with 2 tbsp creamer
12oz water

Snack was skipped because I was chatting with a lovely friend. :)

Black beans, ground turkey, and brown rice wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with 1 1/2 tsp of light sour cream, a pinch of mozzarella seasoned with taco seasoning, and 1 1/2 tsp salsa with about 1/3 c baby spinach.  A small apple and 24 oz of water.

Insert 30 minute zumba workout here..

Snack:  Herbalife (cold fusion) shake, with PDM, tea and 1 shot of aloe.. Oh I love Cold fusion!  I forgot how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cold Fusion!
 and 12 more ounces of water.

Worked my arms for about 10 minutes or so

Dinner time:
1c raw spinach, 1/4c shredded mozzarella, 1/8c sliced almonds, 1/4c craisins, and 1 1/2 tsp of balsamic  vinaigrette.  Joined with what I had for lunch minus the spinach on the wrap because I forgot to put it on there. (It was left overs night for dinner)

I honestly don't know if I'm putting down enough calories a day, I don't feel starved by any means, however I read that with working out, I should eat 1880 calories to lose weight at a healthy pace, however, I don't think I'm putting in that much.  I'm not sure if I should go by what the books say, or by how my body feels.  I won't let myself go hungry, I want this weight loss to be healthy, especially since it's not just about losing weight, it's about being healthy. I should probably throw a chicken breast in with my salads to add a few calories and more protein to my day.  Any suggestions would be great!

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