Sunday, January 8, 2012

Food journal for Sunday.. and a little side note. :)

 I guess I'll start off with the side note.  This is a little reminder to me as to why I'm trying to make this change.  After having Jovie my abdominal wall became pretty weak, so now I'm bothered with back and pelvic pain, which also leads to leg pain.  Not only that, I have TMJ syndrome so basically something on my body is always inflamed and in pain.  By eating right and working out my belly will shrink and my abs will become stronger, therefore creating less body pain. :)  So yay for that!  Also, for years and years I've hated my body.  The first time I was called fat was when I was 5 1/2, and it stuck with me.  I've always carried my body fat in my midsection and was picked on about it all through school and even for a few years after.  Boys would call me "beer belly" behind my back.. Yell down the hall at me "Jenny Maida is chubby" and so on and so forth.  Well, I've always made excuses to not working out.  Whether it was my asthma and tachycardia, or just being flat out tired, there was always a reason why I didn't work out.  I've heard someone say on TV one night "You can either make excuses or make a change," and I'm choosing making a change.  Do avoid being overwhelmed and setting myself up for failure, I'm starting off gradual and going from there.  I usually end up failing which leads to quitting, starting off slow will prevent that.
 With all of that being said, here's my food journal for today.

Breakfast: 1c peanut butter multigrain cheerio's with roughly 2/3 c 1% milk
         8oz coffee with 2 Tbsp creamer
        6 oz Kemps lite yogurt.
        7oz water
I skipped snack since I was at church and had a late lunch..
 Little munching while waiting for lunch though...  1 kiwi, and 2 mandarin orange slices
3 "Smiles" fruit snacks
 Lunch: 3 slices of Papa Murphy's Delight pizza.  Toppings: Cheese, chicken, bacon crumbs, and spinach. With garlic sauce. .. I know, I know, not healthy.. and I felt a little yucky afterwards.
28 oz of water.
Evening:  Heartburn (gee, I wonder from what!?) and a headache have kept me from eating a whole lot tonight.  I snacked on 3 teddy grahams and 1/4 of a graham cracker.
I've also had 34 more oz of water

For a work out today.  I did 30 squats, 100 sit up's on the medicine ball, and about 10 minutes of balancing to strengthen my core and lower back.
 So that's that for today!

PS. I apologize for my lazy grammar. :)

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