Monday, January 16, 2012

Still trying to catch up....

 Ok, so I was wrong about Thursday's intake..  I did not have a bowl of cereal for breakfast.. I had a whole wheat tortilla filled with ground beef, black beans, and brown rice.. with a little bit of cheese, salsa, and light sour cream.  I had a total of only 36 oz of water that day.. And my lunch/dinner was in the previous blog.. Oh, and I had a cup of coffee with creamer.
 Breakfast.. 1.5 cups of Cheerio's with 1% milk.  10 oz coffee with 2 Tbsp cream and 12oz of water.
Lunch: a 6in sub on whole wheat with ham, lettuce, and mayo.. with 24 oz of water.
I had 16 more ounces of water and an 4oz cup of coffee with 1 tbsp cream.
Dinner: 2 cups spinach, a chicken breast, 2 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette and an apple.
I snacked on 9 Mike and Ikes while watching a movie with Nathan.. and had 22 more ounces of water.
 No work out on Friday.. I had a horrible headache and nausea.  Ick.

Saturday's breakfast wasn't much.  I had a few bites of scrambled eggs with salsa on them, 1 slice of bacon.. 8oz coffee with 2 tbsp cream.. I didn't finish it though.. 12 oz of water and a 12oz fruit, milk, and wheat grass smoothie.

Lunch: 3/4 of a whole wheat tortilla with natural peanut butter and sugar free preserves. and 12oz water.
 Plus 1/2 of a graham cracker that I snatched from Jovie. :)

Dinner: 3 slices of frozen pepperoni pizza.. I picked off most of the pepperoni.. 12 oz water.
At the Surprise party I had 2 peach martinis ... so delicious!  5 16oz glasses of water. A piece of B-day cake, and some smoked cheese fondu with chicken, grapes, apples, and beef..  about 7 carrot slices with veggie dip, 2 peach candies that were in my drinks.. and 1/4 of a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie that my Mother in law baked with Nathan..
 I over did it a bit on Saturday that's for sure.  Not so much with how much food I consumed.. but what foods I chose to eat.
 Sunday was tons better however.  I got an amazing work out in!  I worked legs, lower and upper abdominals, lower back.. did some stretching, shadow boxing, jump rope, and jumping jacks and high knees.
I had 62 ounces of water, 12 ounces of coffee and a total of 3.5 oz of creamer.
Breakfast, I had 1 package of Oat Revolution oatmeal.
Lunch: BP&J and an apple. And an oatmeal choc. chip cookie.
Snack: a banana
Dinner: 1 Serving of pork roast, with a spinach and arugula salad topped with craisins, almonds and balsamic vinaigrette.  Plus, a mix of fresh green and yellow beans.

Whew!  Moving on to today.
 Breakfast: 1cup Multi grain Cheerio's with 1% milk and 12 oz of water.
Snack: Banana, another oatmeal choc chip cookie, and 12 oz of water.

Lunch:  A turkey sandwich on whole wheat with Miracle Whip (1tbsp) and mustard and colby jack cheese and romaine lettuce.  And 12 oz of water.

10 oz coffee with 1.5 Tbsp of creamer and 12 oz of water.

1 piece of chewy peppermint candy 1/3 of an oatmeal choc chip cookie (DAMN THOSE THINGS!!)
and 12 oz of water.

Dinner:  Cream cheese chicken.. yes, it's as unhealthy as it sounds believe me!
 A chicken breast stuffed with 1.5 Tbsp of cream cheese wrapped in 2 slices of bacon.. delicious.. but evil! However, I love it!
 Along with that, I had green beans with almonds and my usual salad and 10 oz of water.
So, that's that.

I just wanted to clarify that this isn't exactly a diet, it's a life change.  I'm not using food for an emotional need anymore.  I'm not cutting anything completely out.. If I want McDonalds some day, I'll get some.. I'm just not allowing myself to over do it like I used to. I'm also working out regularly.  My clothes are already starting to fit differently. I haven't weighed myself yet because I don't have a scale.. I usually jump on Mandy's when we're at Mom's group on Mondays :) .. but it was canceled today. I can tell that my mid section is already going down and it has only been 10 days.  It's probably all the water weight that left.  Anyway, I feel amazing! My body doesn't get horribly sore after work outs anymore.  I still feel it the next day, but I can still move and work out.  I've done 30 squats already today when the Bender ball between my legs.. Wow, that makes my muscles burn like crazy!  I love it!  I'll probably throw in 20 minutes of Zumba before bed too.

Well, time to go tuck Nathan into bed!


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