Sunday, January 15, 2012

Trying to catch up on the blogging! :)

 Ok, so this past week has been very, very busy so keeping up with my blog was next to impossible!  Thursday we were gone most of the day, Friday I wasn't feeling well at all.. I had the headache from HELL and a stomach ache to go with it.. and half of Sat I was out of commission with stomach issues.  But, I'm feeling much, much better now!  Sat was by far the hardest day so far.  Due to not feeling well physically, and emotionally (I was really crabby) I was just having a flat out crap day from the start.  It got better towards the evening though! (Thank goodness!)  I didn't really eat much of anything on Saturday until the late evening.. NOT GOOD!  However, it was wonderful food, at a wonderful surprise party, for a wonderful woman, so no regrets here! :)  In all honesty I'm way, way too lazy to type out everything I ate since Thursday on here..  I'm just going to try to keep it simple..
 Thursday, Not enough water.. I was gone for 3.5 hours in the middle of the day and didn't have access to water.. (I was at a funeral)  I could have gotten up to grab some water, but it would have been difficult.  Anyway, Thursday I did not put in nearly enough calories either.  I had 3/4 c cheerios with milk for breakfast, a cup of coffee, and two glasses of water.. then it was off to the church for Pat's celebration of life ceremony.. I had a delicious sandwich there and had 3 more 12oz of water the rest of the day.. oh and I had 1 little bar for desert.. The old Jen would have had 6 of those puppies! They were so darn good!! That's basically all I had on Thursday.. which started the downward spiral NO ENERGY... I'll continue the rest of the weekend tomorrow.. I have to get Nathan to bed and Dan will be heading to bed now so it's off of the computer for this gal!  So... TO BE CONTINUED.. :)

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