Saturday, January 7, 2012

It is time to start being healthy.

 So, yes, it's that time of year where just about everyone is dieting for their resolutions.  I am indeed one of them.  I'm taking a different approach to it this time around though.  I'm making it public.  I will track everything I eat, write it down and publish it on my blog.  I will track down how often I exercise, good days, bad days.. EVERYTHING.  I will be completely honest and hopefully through all of this, I'll become a healthier person.
  I have already started writing down the foods and beverages I ingest.. I started yesterday.  Yesterday was BY FAR a lot better than today let me tell ya!  I think my choice of exercise will be Zumba Fit for our Wii, at least until we get a Y membership. (hopefully)
 My current weight is 140 lbs.  I'm hoping to get to about 125 or until I feel a lot healthier than I do now.  It's not so much the weight that bothers me as much as it is the body fat.
 Any words of encouragement would be welcomed :)  I'll post my list of the foods I ate today and Friday most likely tomorrow.
 Until then,

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