Friday, May 4, 2012

A big sigh of relief!

  Todays appointment went great!  I felt so relieved when our OT noticed Nathan's sensory seeking behaviors immediately.  She said "oh we have a little sensory seeker here."  All I could think was, YES!! Yes, I DO know my child,  this is not just all in my head!! She said exactly what I thought was going on with Nathan.  His body is seeking sensory, however his ears are sensitive.  So he has a combination of over stimulation and under stimulation.  He'll be starting OT this coming Monday and will go every Monday and Friday for the next 8 weeks.  After that, she'll decide what steps to take next.  We'll be doing home therapy as well.  No plan for school quite yet.  That will come with more evaluation from the OT.  The school doesn't have OT as a stand alone service.  In other words, since Nathan doesn't have any other underlining issues or DD, he doesn't qualify for OT at school.  Nathan's teacher however is going to see if there's anything they can do. 
  It was so much fun watching Nathan "play" in the Sensory Integration (SI) room!  Oh how he loved it!  I think he's going to have so much fun in OT!  He really seemed to enjoy Kate too.  She's our OT. She's great with kids and really seemed to understand Nathan and catch onto his personality quite quickly.  Dan and I both had a good feeling about her, and we look forward to working with her. 
  I can't wait to see how OT will work out for him.  I'm so glad we'll be starting right away!  The only downside is, his appointments are in the morning, and that's exactly when I do not have a car. :(  My mom is willing to let us use her car and watch Jovie on the days she doesn't have anything going on.  That's a plus! But I can see that that may get to be a lot for her after a couple of weeks.  Man, it would be so nice to have a second car.  I haven't felt the pinch of really needing a second car until today.  Oh well, I know that everything will work itself out.  God has been so faithful up to this point and I know He'll see us through this.  
  My sadness for Nathan has turned to hope.  My nervousness has turned to joy.  He was like a kid in a candy shop when he was in the SI room!  Giant things to swing on, stuff to jump off of, giant bean bags to throw himself into, games to play...  It was amazing!  I wanted to jump right in and play with them!  
  Now, I can breath.  Now Nathan will have the help he needs.  And we'll be taught how to help him here at home.  Oh, the relief! 

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