Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I always wondered.....

 Yesterday was a rough day at school for Nathan.  Once he was home he was ok though.  Dan played Nerf guns with him, he watched some PBS and ate dinner.  During his reading time last night he started to move a lot.  Instead of my usual "Nathan please! Can you just sit still?"  I just naturally started scratching his back.  It was amazing!  He immediately stopped wiggling around and rocking, and he sat still for the entire 15 minutes while I read to him.  When we were done, he asked me to continue scratching his back.  I was a little surprised because I had already been doing it so long and thought that it would have driven him crazy by then.  But I guess not. 
 As I scratched his back, arms, and head I remembered how I could run my fingers on his back for 30 minutes and he wouldn't be bothered at all by it.  I love getting my back rubbed like that too, but after a couple minutes of it, the persons fingers start to feel like nails and I can't stand it. But Nathan on the other hand, never seems to tire from it.  I've always wondered why, but now it all makes sense.  It makes sense that he always wants his back rubbed at night, and before naps, and even just as we're snuggling on the couch.  It makes sense to me that the only time he seems to have 100% control of his body is when he's visually stimulated (watching TV).  It all makes sense now.  What a relief!  
  Now I just wait, we wait for the supplies we need for him to bring to school to help him along.  We wait for the diagnosis, so he can get the help he needs.  I wish we didn't have to wait.  But in the mean time I'll continue to do what I can to help him along.  Last night I did back scratches and rubs for 15 minutes before he went to sleep.  However, he woke up an hour later bawling.  When I asked what was wrong, he said "I'm worried because I'm not doing well in school."  My heart broke.  He's doing amazing academically, but has a hard time sitting still and listening.  I told him we're getting help with that and he seemed almost relieved.  Just laying next to him, having that extra touch along with the blankets seemed to calm him down.  He asked for more back scratches, and he feel asleep peacefully.  This morning I did some more back and arm scratches, and rubs and squeezes along his arms and shoulders. I'm hoping it will help with his morning at school.  Since the teachers are not allowed to touch  the students, especially without the diagnosis, I thought about visiting once Dan got home and doing some more sensory stuff with him to see if it will help with his afternoon.  
  God has been so faithful through all of this!  I felt so loved, encouraged, and affirmed by him yesterday.  While I was praying yesterday about what to do with all the thoughts on my heart and mind, I felt like he was telling me to blog about it.  Once I did it was instant therapy.  Just to get everything off my chest felt so good.  Then there was just an wonderful outpouring of love and support and prayer for us.  I felt like it was Gods way of letting me know that I'm not alone. (well besides Dan of course!)  That there's a community of people out there that understand what I am going through, and they are more than happy to help out.  So thank you all for reaching out, sending your thoughts, love, and prayers.  Giving wonderful insight and wisdom.  I really appreciate it! 
 So, we'll see what today brings with Nathan.  I'm praying that the sensory therapy this morning helped. 
 God bless. 

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