Thursday, January 17, 2013

My decision to homeschool.

   After a lot of thoughtful prayer, research, talking with Nathan's teacher and some other parents and teachers, I have decided that I will homeschool Nathan next year.  His sensory needs are high in the classroom, and without a Para, or a teachers helper, it's hard to get a normal, structured sensory diet in his day.  Without the sensory diet, Nathan struggles to maintain control of his body, his concentration, and his actions.  He's getting overwhelmed at lunch time and recess, and is having a hard time staying focused on eating, and controlling his fight or flight response on the playground.  He's also not testing well on things the teacher knows he knows.  He loses focus easily, and rushes through tasks.  He's incredibly smart, but he struggles with things beyond his control in the classroom.  So, for the next couple of years, he'll be taught here at home.  We cannot afford to send him to a smaller school, and even if we could, he doesn't qualify for help, so it feels like an uphill battle regardless.  I am actually feeling very excited about homeschooling him, even though I feel incredibly sad about him not returning to Raleigh Edison next year.  I sincerely LOVE that school and the staff there!  God really had to soften my heart to the idea of homeschooling.  I felt like it has been on my mind since last spring, but at that time I wasn't even willing to think about it because there was no way I would want to do that.  It took some changing of my perspective to warm me up to it.  I had to stop thinking about what was best for me, and start thinking about what is best for Nathan.  Once I put it into that perspective, my decision was pretty much made.  However I still gnawed on it for a month or so before I really finalized it.  Although I want to do what is best for him, I don't want to pull him out of every struggle he has either.  Since schooling is so important, and once you're behind, it's nearly impossible to catch up, I decided that this wasn't an act to pull him out of a tough situation, this was truly doing what is best in our situation.  I researched online about what the best schooling situation is for children with Nathan's type of SID, and what the majority of the forums, blogs, research papers, and parents said that homeschooling was.  At least until they get over the hump of not being able to control it themselves.  The next in line was a small classroom setting such as private school.  At one point I just had to set aside all opinions and research, and just trust in myself that I know my child. Regardless of what everyone else said, I had to trust my heart.  So I am. 
   There are people wondering what about his social activity and developement? Well, not that I have to answer this for those wondering, but I will.  Nathan went to daycare for the first 2 1/2 year of his life, he started preschool at 3 and is now in first grade, we go to a large church every weekend as well, and have many friends who have kids his age.  Socially, Nathan will be just fine.  He already has a good foundation, and I am aware of the fact that he's an extrovert, so we will get out and meet up with other children on a regular basis.  I won't be keeping him locked in the house all day, schooling is only 1-2 hours, so we'll have plenty of time for play and interaction with others.  We are a social bunch here at the Bergh residence, so I really don't see Nathan developing any other social issues.  I have answered this question because it's the one that constantly comes up, and quite honestly, I'm tired of hearing it.  No offense to those who have asked.... One person can only answer the same question so many times before getting fed up with it. :)
  Well, that's my story for the morning.  I'm hoping to get back into blogging on a regular basis, but that requires me to do it in the early morning.. and a lot of the time, I'm just too tired and lazy in the to think AND type.  
  Good day! 

1 comment:

  1. Please know, that I did consult my husband on this. This wasn't solely MY decision. I just realized I should have mentioned that one!
