Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A long awaited update.

  Fall is in full force and I am loving it! There's just something about the crisp air, beautiful colors, and the anticipation of the soon arriving holidays that give me an extra does of excitement!  I love summer and all, but by the time this one was over,  I had no problem moving on to the cooler seasons.  The lack of shade in our yard kept us indoors most afternoons, and after awhile it just felt like we were trapped in the air conditioned house.  Sure, we'd get out and go other places every once and awhile, but the humidity and high temps burned me out quickly.  I just don't handle the heat like I used to.  Makes me rather sad when I think about it.  
  Anyway, Nathan is doing very well in school this year.  He's one smart cookie that's for sure!  His teacher Ms. Erickson is a huge blessing!  Her and I, as well as some other staff members at school, have been working together to figure out ways to help Nathan's sensory needs while in class.  He gets little breaks here and there, and she is diligent at using his tools to help him.  I get updates about every other week and she is constantly reassuring me that he is a great kid and he's doing really well.  I had my concerns before school started, but it seems like a lot has changed for him over the summer.  His OT Kate said he has developed a lot through his therapies and he has been officially discharged from occupational therapy!  He'll have a check up in about 4 months or so for a re-evaluatioin, but he's doing amazing.  It can still be taxing at times because of his high energy and sensory seeking behaviors, but I've learned to accept them.  When I see he's really wiggly and can't seem to focus, I can help him now.  It's so much easier to help than to wonder what the heck is going on with this kid!? I still sometimes feel insecure about having a child that is "different" but in all honesty, he's still the boy that God made and I'm not going to let that distract me from who he truly is.  He's a child with a huge, loving heart that has compassion that most adults SHOULD have.  He's funny and smart, and he has an amazing imagination.  Not to mention, that boy has FAITH.  I can already see some of the spiritual gifts he has been given and I know that no matter what he's "diagnosed" with, nothing will ever take that away.  It's a part of who God made him.  
  Over the summer Nathan played soccer for the first time.  He did an ok job considering the circumstances.  He had a hard time staying focused and goofed around a lot.  Then again, a lot of the kids his age on the team did.  It was the 7 year olds that really held the team together and did most of the work.  So maybe next year will be a bit different for him.  It was cute to see him help other kids up when they fell or got hurt.  He was always concerned about all the kids playing.  During their first game a kid from the other team fell, and Nathan stopped, ran over to him and helped him up.  Another time a girl on the opposing team got really hurt and while she was laying there all the other kids ran off of the field and Nathan sat right next to hurt asking her if she was ok and petted her head until the coach came on the field. He didn't leave until he was asked to.  What a sweetheart.  
  Jovie is getting big and it seems like she's catching on to something new every day.  Just like Nathan, she's very advanced in her speech and comprehension, actually she's a bit more advanced than he was.  (Lord help me!)  I have been blessed with incredibly smart children.  It just amazes me!  She's not even two and the stuff that comes out of her mouth just floors me at times!  Not just the fact that she knows what she's talking about, but the fact that she says it so clearly.  She also likes to clean up.  If she gets a dribble of milk on the floor I can guarantee you she's going to run to the drawer with the napkins and wipe it up.  She also HAS to throw away her own diapers.  It's strange, but true. She has such a joyful disposition too.  It's so contagious, it's hard not to be happy when she's around! She really fits the meaning of her name "little joyful one" or "bringer of joy."  Trust me, that girl can get pissed off at times, but for the most part she's so happy.  She smiles with her whole body it seems.  I can also see some of her gifts as well.  She loves music!  Nathan did too at her age, but got overwhelmed by the noise.  Jovie can take it no matter how loud it is.  One day we had her with us during worship at church and when the song was over she yelled "yaaaay!"  And started clapping.  Even the worship leader heard her and we were way in the back.  She'll randomly sing her own songs while we're in the car.  Some is gibberish but a few words are very clear. One day it was about Mommy and Daddy, another time she was singing about Jesus, and another time going to Grandma and Papa's house to see uncle Jeremy.  It's so darn cute! 
  I sometimes get overwhelmed by the fact that we're having a 3rd in March.  I often wonder, will I have enough to give all 3?  Will I still be a good mom?  Can I really handle this?  Well, God wouldn't have given us this child if I couldn't.  With help from him, I'll get through it.  I'm not a perfect mom, but I now fully believe that I have enough love to go around. 
  I do have some prayer requests for those who pray.  I've been struggling with headaches for almost 10 weeks now,  please be praying that these headaches will stop.  They consistently start in the same place and they can last for days at a time.  I'm starting to get concerned about them.  I honestly have them more than I do not have them.  Also be praying that Dan and I will continue to learn how to co-parent effectively.  And to accept the fact that we're different, so we're going to parent differently.  
 Thank you so much! 